Pragti India Multi Services a company registered under the company's act, 1956 having it's registered office at khalilabad,Santkabir Ngar. The company was originally formed as a private limited company on Jan, 2018. Presently, the board of directors of the company is managed by Mr. Vijay as directors of the company. The main objects as per memorandum and articles of association of the company, interalia, containsto manufacture, process, refine, formulate, import, expoet and deal in many type of products etc. apart from so many other related objects.
Pragti India Multi Services a company registered under the company's act, 1956 having it's registered office at khalilabad,Santkabir Ngar. The company was originally formed as a private limited company on Jan, 2018. Presently, the board of directors of the company is managed by Mr. Vijay as directors of the company. The main objects as per memorandum and articles of association of the company, interalia, containsto manufacture, process, refine, formulate, import, expoet and deal in many type of products etc. apart from so many other related objects.