Basically we are in the market since 1998 and we have just started from such a small level and today we are at topnotch in khanna city.Most reliable and trusted shop in khanna is all of them ours. We have already discussed above that we provide best quality of product.We are basically also known for services provide us.We basically provide deals and discounts on any kind of eve or festival. As our place is fully Air-Conditioned and it is located at very prime location. Main thing is that our shop is government registerd or licensed by government. We also do social services like we providing or generating source of employment in our area.We provide guarantee of our product. We issued fixed bill and we also offered fixed price. One thing more about our business is that we accepts only cash and online payments and we donot provide our product without getting payment.
Basically we are in the market since 1998 and we have just started from such a small level and today we are at topnotch in khanna city.Most reliable and trusted shop in khanna is all of them ours. We have already discussed above that we provide best quality of product.We are basically also known for services provide us.We basically provide deals and discounts on any kind of eve or festival. As our place is fully Air-Conditioned and it is located at very prime location. Main thing is that our shop is government registerd or licensed by government. We also do social services like we providing or generating source of employment in our area.We provide guarantee of our product. We issued fixed bill and we also offered fixed price. One thing more about our business is that we accepts only cash and online payments and we donot provide our product without getting payment.